This book sheds light on the psychological implications and emotional effects believed to exist as a generational effect of post-traumatic slavery residue.
The telling of many different, yet very similar “hairstories”, produces salient thematic factors discussed in this study. It is my hope that one day our society and mental health professionals come to understand how hair impacts the psyche of African-American, and Multi-racial females.
What Dr. Hibbitts does in her study is to elevate the meaning of hair as a relevant issue of discussion in understanding the dynamics of African-American people, especially women. Furthermore, her inquiry adds depth to understanding the intricacies of assimilation and acculturation for African-American people. It is commonly known that minority populations, on contact with the dominant society have a number of options, but primarily assimilation and acculturation are the variations most attempted. In the abstract, assimilation is a rather harmless process, but in reality, it can be difficult and painful.
- Terry Jones, Ph. D.
Retired Department Chair of Social Work
Cal State Hayward/ Eastbay
By unveiling and dissecting the “Herstory of the Hairstory”, some women may resonate with this and seek much-needed help to heal internal complexities. My hope is one day, our society and mental health professionals may come to understand how much hair can impact the psyche of African American females.
-Excerpt from Herstory of the Hairstory
About the Author
In 2014, I graduated with my doctorate in clinical psychology. I have been a licensed hairstylist for over 30 years. When I wrote my dissertation I wanted to do research on a topic that I was personally passionate about. I focused on the psychological implications hair has on the emotional affect of African American Women. Regardless of age, my research shows universally, black women have experienced some degree of trauma, due to something we have no control over; the texture of our hair and the color of our skin.

Danielle "Dr. Danii" Hibbitts
M.A, M.S, Psy. D
Author of, Herstory of the Hairstory

The issues of black hair care can be embarrassing to some Black women. It is neither beautiful nor sexy to sleep in a hair scarf every night, but Black men are aware that this is how Black women, who get their hair done, sleep at night.
-Excerpt from "Herstory of the Hairstory"

A woman who uses her sister as her hairdresser needs no mirror.
–Akan Proverb
Creating a Respectful and Open World for Natural Hair

On July 3, 2019, the State of California passed the Crown (Create a Respectful and Open Workplace for Natural Hair) Act into law. SB188 was drafted and sponsored by State Senator Holly Mitchell to address the racial discrimination against people for wearing their hair naturally, based on texture.
The CROWN ACT ensures protection against hair discrimination based on hairstyles. By extending statutory protection to hair texture and protective styles, in the Fair Employment and Housing Act (FEHA), and state Education Codes.
The CROWN of glory that adorns our diverse hues, tones of radiant skin…we were born with. We are no longer accepting or tolerating racial discrimination based on the hair we grow. We are no longer trying to conform, nor assimilate to standards of beauty that don't represent us, nor acknowledge our Herstory of the Hairstory.
We are more valuable than our outer appearance